Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My sister-in-law gave birth to twins this morning. Ethan weighed 6lbs 10oz and Layla weighed 5lbs. Nearly 12 pounds of baby increased our family by two this morning, making my brother and his wife first time parents, my parents first time grandparents, and my sister and me first time aunts. I can't wait to spoil the snot out of those two kids. Unfortunately they live about 2,500 miles from where I live so seeing them will be tough. It will be even harder if I jump ship and head to Australia like I have planned but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. All I know for now is that those two little babies are finally here and they are perfect.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


To give a person with chronic anxiety reason to be more anxious should be illegal. My brilliant doctor has been sitting on a script of mine for nearly two weeks. I've called him many times but he has still yet to call it in to the pharmacy. I'm actually going in to the office tomorrow to get the damn thing in my hand and then tell him to bugger off. You can't do that to a crazy person. All my meds are messed up anyway because they are so god awful expensive, the dosing is all wrong and - oh yeah - I don't even HAVE one of them. I'm going a little nuts but I think it's understandable considering my body chemistry is all over the map. All this work and effort just to make it through a day feeling relatively normal. I don't even know what normal feels like. My head hurts all the time. It's probably head cancer.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

It's Tuesday ~ What do you want from me?

Remember when I was all rah rah Marathon 2009? Those were good times. I ran 1.2 miles yesterday and it felt great. It's a start. Neither good nor bad, but a start.

I'm trying to be contemplative. There's really nothing to be contemplative about at the moment. Good time for me start reviving this blog again, right?

Check back tomorrow. Something good is bound to come up.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Did someone say running?

It's a gorgeous day in my corner of the globe. I think that calls for a run. Did I say running was non-exisent? Was that me? Because that sure doesn't sound like something a runner would say. And I'm a runner. Watch out world. Kate's gonna run today.