Friday, May 25, 2007

Minor blip

It's been a bad week over here in my little corner of the world which means a bad week for running. More often than not, whatever is going on in my personal life reflects in the quality and frequency of my runs. I feel sluggish and cut corners, which only hurts my training in the long run. Since I'm not yet starting to train for the marathon (trying to maintain a good base) I've found myself pushing running to the back burner on more than one occasion in order to take care of life-situation issues.

This happens. Life happens. We can't always predict what life will throw at us and have to take it as it comes, adjusting our expectations as we go.

Fortunately, whatever problems I had this week (one major one involving the possibility of not even training for the marathon at all) have resolved themselves and I feel confident that moving forward with my plans is the right thing to do. I don't mean to be so vague; I'm just not sure who reads this and I'm not crazy about airing all my dirty laundry out on this here internet thingy.

So. Seeing as how my train has not been derailed, I have an 8 mile run planned for bright and early tomorrow morning. Sunday, rest. Then my dad and I are running a 5 mile race on Memorial Day. I love that he's found an interest in racing with me. He's always been a runner (remember, he took me out for my first run when I was a freshman in high school) but we've never done races together before. The Race for the Cure was great and I'm looking forward to Monday and many more races after that!

1 comment:

GB said...

Glad it didn't turn out as bad as you thought it might. Whatever the case is, just go with the flow and do your best.

Have a great time racing with your dad on Monday! Enjoy every step together.