Friday, June 29, 2007


My computer crashed this week. Luckily, I have a good church with folks willing to lend a helping hand seeing as how I'm technologically challenged. I hope to be back up and running by Sunday.

I'm going for 11 miles tomorrow morning. I'm a wee bit nervous about is since that's the farthest I've attempted since I ran the 1/2 back in April. The weather is supposed to be cool and perfect so I have high hopes. I'm going to try the gels tomorrow instead of the beans and see how I do.

Speaking of half marathons....I signed up for another one on July 28th. It's a tune up race for me, to see if these tempo runs are doing what they're supposed to be doing. I'd like to go sub 2:15 this time.

And that's about it for now. Who knew - the ghetto computer actually works! I'll post more interesting stuff when I have my own computer back. Have a good weekend!

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