Friday, July 20, 2007

Answered prayer

I had to do my long run early this week in order to attend my lil' sister's bridal shower tomorrow in Terrible Terre Haute, Indiana. All week, I've been praying for cooler temperatures and low humidity for Friday afternoon between 4 and 6pm in Columbus, Ohio.

At 4pm, it was 75F with no humidity in sight. God answers prayer, even silly, selfish ones like my own.

I felt strong throughout and kept an even 10:50mpm pace for most of the run. If you've taken a peak at some of the other paces I've posted on here recently, you'll notice how extremely RARE it is for me to run steady and consistently but today I held back at the beginning and finished strong, even had a little kick back to my car.

One other thing that is noteworthy about today is that I played hooky from work. I don't do this often ENOUGH. Today definitely called for a "mental health day" in my book. I've been stressed out and burnt out at my dead end job for about 3 weeks and in desperate need of a vacation. While today wasn't planned and is pretty out of character for me, I feel a rejuvenated spirit of sorts having spent this gorgeous summer day exactly the way I wanted. I slept in until 2:30 in the afternoon (!), took the dogs to the park where I swung on the swing set in my bare feet, kicking them up towards the sky and letting my hair drag on the ground below. I played on the slide and had a go at the monkey bars. I wrestled with the puppies and was completely covered in dog kisses by the time I got home. Top that off with a perfect run in the park and I feel almost back to normal.

Today was unplanned and absolutely perfect. I think because it was so unplanned and unexpected, I feel rested in a way I wouldn't have if I'd been counting on this day for weeks. Sometimes, I just need a little break from the hum-drum monotony of the corporate cube land I call my "job". I treasure the simple gifts found out there in the real world today.

Happy miles....


Greg Johnson said...

I'm glad that you had a great day, great run and that God answered your prayer. He cares about us!


Nancy said...

Woo hoo - 12 miles at a steady pace and the day to romp!! Sounds fantastic. I think you are right, unplanned means low expectations. I took a couple off this week and was lamenting everything I had wanted to get done and didn't. It was probably slightly unrealistic.

I can't wait til I can do 12!! GOOD FOR YOU!! I made 7 today and pretty ecstatic about it... Happy shower in Terrible.