Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dead legs

I know my legs were dead today because of the short little jog in the park I had on Saturday. I know this and yet for some reason I'm still beating myself up for a lousy 4 miles today. The weather was perfect, the trail was well shaded and far from distraction, I had a good solid day of rest yesterday and still...dead legs. This happened before, the week after I ran my first half marathon. It was my first ever time at that distance and it took about 20 days for me to feel fully recovered and "springy" in my step. I'm hoping recovery doesn't take quite that long this time but at least today I know what the cause is for a poor run. So often, I set out my front door without knowing what my run will bring. Will I go out too fast? Will I run out of steam? Will I fall apart mentally? So often these things happen and I never know the cause.

Today, I know.

Even though I may someday look back on 15 miles and scoff, 15 miles is still a pretty long freaking way to run.


Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Give yourself the treat of some easier running. If you legs are still sore and stiff, try a 25 - 30 min recovery run. You'll get back to spring legs...

Nancy said...

Springy legs?? What's that?? 8^)