Monday, August 20, 2007

Panic, but not at the Disco!


Haven't been around these parts much lately. Mostly it's because work is kicking my ass and I can't be bothered to come home and get back on a computer, even if it is my own computer and even if it is for doing important stuff. Like blogging. And Simpsonizing myself. And playing Spider Solitare.

That's how I knew. When I wasn't even excited about Spider Solitare, something's gotta change. Oh sure! I'll throw a in change of career path along with training for a marathon and helping my little sister plan her wedding and not getting along with any of my friends and working the freelance gig on the side and all that Spider Solitare.

No problem.

And my doctor says the shortness of breath and heart palpitations I've been experiencing aren't a heart attack after all. Turns out, I'm having panic attacks. What ever for?


The 311 Boys Mom said...

LOL......I'm not laughing at you, I figured it was panic attacks.........I started getting them doing things I've done for 15 yrs, like tanning. I tried an anti-anxiety, but didn't like the effects. Its stress. Now I don't have as many panic attacks & I thoguht I was better & just found out I have 2 or 3 ulcers (know for sure Monday).


Here I thought I was handling my stress fine.

Its all in your breathing & talking yourself through it. & Getting more sleep, seriously. ALSO could be a hormone imbalance; I was on Yaz & had to jump over to Seasonal, not enough estrogen; but I'm 33.

Nancy said...

Oh Kate - what can we do for you? Can you take some vacation time? Slow down somehow?? I wish I could do something for you (must be the mom in me...)

Make yourself a fairy double, maybe that will make you smile?

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Panic attacks are serious stuff...

You're goiong through some serious times.

Am with Nancy and we'd do what we can to support you. Can you ship some of the work to us and we'll divide it up. Nancy gets 90% and Tom gets 10%.

Please take care of yourself...

Patty said...

I too suffer from panic attacks, and the most frustrating thing for me is that I can't always predict what brings them on. Try focusing on your breath and visualize the panic feelings floating away from your body on your exhale. If it doesn't help the panic attacks it will help get some good O2 to your muscles.