Wednesday, August 29, 2007


There's been a whole lotta negative self-talk running through my brain and I realized that even though I'm out there putting in the miles week after week, I'm not doing the mental training I need to be doing to get through this race. I let the negativity creep into the forefront of my mind and it wins every time. I hit a road block, stop, walk, can't seem to get my rhythm back, sometimes after only a mile into my run.

There are a few factors that may be contributing to this. First, I'm up to running almost 40 miles per week which is more than I've ever done in my life. My body is struggling to keep up with the schedule and I feel tired and sluggish, even on the easy days. Instead of feeling antsy and wanting to run on my rest days, I crawl to them and colapse in them. It may be time to take some time off. Secondly, it's been in the mid 90's and humid for most of my runs for the past 3 weeks. Doesn't help that I run at 4:15 in the afternoon every day. The heat is taking it's toll but try as I might, running on the dreadmill almost seems worse. I'm ready for some cooler temps.

Until the mileage backs off and the temperatures cool down, I'm taking a page from Runner Nancy and getting out my club. I can't control the weather and I don't have a lot of options as far as when to run. The schedule is what it is, I can take an easy week next week and see how I feel, but really, with only 52 days to go, I feel like a bum skipping runs. My self-talk is about the only thing I can control and I haven't been doing a very good job of beating down my negative monster lately. Today, I want to list several things I am thankful for...

I am thankful I have a heathly body with legs that can carry me the distance and heart full of determination.

I am thankful for a running partner, even if he runs circles around me and makes fun of how slow I go. Well, when I'm not running with him, I'm thankful.

I am thankful for a supportive family that wants to come see me run and will cheer me along the entire way.

I am thankful to run with my dad after so many years of not always seeing eye to eye. I so wish I could see him cross the finish line at his first half marathon.

I am thankful for friends who understand my goals and don't give me a hard time for how much this takes away from my social life.

I am thankful to God for making the much anticipated changing seasons so incredibly sweet. And for giving me the courage to do this thing that scares the living daylights out of me.

I am thankful for this medium to come together and learn from and support other runners as I don't know any outside my immediate family.

Happy miles...


Nancy said...

Yeah, this sounds like the Kate I first read. Beat those bad boys down and use my club all you want. 40 miles is a ton. You are doing so awesome. Maybe a rest day wouldn't kill you :)

Great post on what you are thankful for...keep the faith. I wish I could be there to run with you once in awhile.

Thanks for calling me a runner, I still feel like an imposter :)

Patty said...

An attitude of gratitude... Thanks for reminding me.

Greg Johnson said...


The mileage and the heat will take it out of you. Focusing in on what you are thankful for is a great encourager and will help you mentally.

Physically, try this three things for an energy boost:

1. Take Emergen-C every day about an hour prior to your run. You can pick it up at Wal-Mart in the vitamin section.

2. Eat a yogurt a day. On run days, eat it within 15 minutes after your runs. It will fuel your muscles to help them repair quickly. It also helps build the immune system.

3. Go to bed an hour early each night or take an hours nap during the day if your schedule will permit. Your body needs more rest when you are running as much as you are. If you don't get the proper rest and allow your body to repair, it will eventually break somewhere and you will be nursing an overuse injury. I did this with my first marathon. It's not fun.

Keep pressing toward the finish line!


Andria said...

Those are great reasons to be thankful! Think of those things as you run and take a day off to do something fun. You'll feel refreshed.

Nancy said...

Hey Kate, you mentioned on my site that you had pain in the ball of your foot? What did you do for it?

Jes said...

Those are amazing reasons to be thankful! Thank you for reminding me to focus on all those great things in life. I hope that your running becomes more enjoyable, and I'm cheering you on!


Running Ragged said...

Good post, thanks for the reminder to think about the good things.

Hard to believe the Columbus marathon is only 51 days away!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

From Iowa to you...the cool weather is coming your way and it will be just what you need. I can't think of anything more refreshing than fall runs. Great list of what you are thankful for!