Friday, August 24, 2007

'Twas the night before the 17 miler

'Twas the night before the long run
And all through the house
Kate was stirring, but not like a mouse

The ipod and Garmin were charging on the chair
In the hopes that both would help get her from here to there

The kitty was nestled all snug in her bed
While visions of catnip danced through her head.

She laid out her gear
as the hour drew near.

'Now body glide! Now gatorade! Now Asics and fuelbelt!
On toenails! On pbj! On water and gels!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away hell!'

And I heard her exclaime as she drove to the lake,
"Happy running to all, and to all a good day!"


Patty said...

CUTE! Very cute! Enjoy the 17 miler.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Love the poem! I am sure you are not alone thinking about this weekends long runs. Now you have given people something to roll around in their heads while they run. What ryhme will it be for 20? :}

Nancy said...

Awesome and so true. This sounds like a happy Kate. Hope you are doing better. Good luck on the long run!! :)

Nancy said...

I'm glad you went to :)

Anonymous said...


Hope the 17 went as well as the poem.

Jes said...

Hehe, I love it! That's a lot of miles!

Nancy said...

Hope it went well. I've been thinking about you!