Thursday, August 30, 2007

What to do, what to do

I was listening to a podcast today about how we Americans like to clutter our lives up with noise, the subconscious purpose to avoid seeing who we really are in the quiet times. As the speaker talked about our need for simple quietness, I had an out of body experience watching myself flip on the tv in the morning before I even get out of bed, listen to the news as I brush my teeth, sing along to the radio as I drive to work, stick the headphones in my ears as soon as I get to work, sing along with the radio as I drive to the park where I run, stick the headphones back in my ears to get into my groove, sing along with the radio as I drive home after my run, flip on the tv and get on the computer as soon as I get home from my day.

I was a little horrified at how much background noise I put into my day and so I'm making a conscious effort to cut some of it out, starting with the ipod on my runs. Today, I ran "naked"; no ipod, no Garmin, no sunglasses, no fancy visor, no gels or fuel belt. Just me, a t-shirt, a pair of shorts and my shoes. I was determined to listen to the rhythm of my body.


My scheduled 5 turned into 2. The first mile was stiff and by the second I was feeling pretty good but decided to call it a day. After all, I'd rather be fresh for 18 on Saturday than push it through 5 on Thursday. The temperature has finally broken and there was no humidity to speak of. The fact that my legs still felt dead seemed like a no brainer. I'm worn out, and it's not all because of the weather.

So, easy 2 today, rest tomorrow, 18 Saturday, then...??? Do I stick with the schedule for the up coming week (Sunday: yoga, Monday: off, Tuesday: 5, Wednesday: 8, Thursday: 5, Friday: off, Saturday: 13) or do something different? Maybe x-train for a few days? Thoughts? Opinions? I'm in uncharted territory here so any advice is much appreciated.


Running Ragged said...

Good for you to know to listen to your body! I was thinking the exact same thing during my 5 miler today: "If my legs feel like lead then only do 3". The cooler weather helped me a lot and I was able to put in my 5 though.

I have access to an elliptical rider at work, so I do my Tuesday mileage on that, just to give my muscles a mid week break. Biking could be another x-training option for you, or maybe some weight lifting? At this point don't add to your routine, just replace.

18 this weekend...we can do it!!! :)

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Listen, listen, listen to your body. I have found the biking and swimming to be mentally stimulating and also works different muscles.

I loved the first part of your post. I did an au natural run on Sunday and didn't realize that I generally sound like I am going to drop over at any minute - music is my friend!

Patty said...

Your discription of "running naked" sent chills down my spine. I could give up the tunes no problem, but to part with my pack, the tissues (do you know how rough leaves can be?), raisins, glide, etc... SCARY thought! Actually, just to be sure I am not addicted, I do leave my pack at home for distances less than six miles.

My best advice is to decide not to decide. By that I mean, take next week one day at a time and ask your body, "what do you want/need today?" Maybe pose this question just before going to sleep to help you know in the morning. Being okay with altering the schedule is a great learning experience all on its own.

You are doing fabulous with the training. I know you will navigate this portion of it just the way it needs to be as you have done in the past.

Andria said...

It is hard to run totally disconnected, but it's also great to just listen to your body and let your mind wander. You come up with some pretty wierd thoughts when you are trying not to think about how much you want to stop.