Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You've lost that lovin' feeling

I'm trying to fall in love with running all over again. Ever since I crossed the finish line of the marathon in October, my motivation has been in the toilet. For nearly 2 years, I poured all of my focus and energy into 26.2 measly miles without much thought as to what might come after.

I fear I've lost that spark.

Maybe it's just the winter blah's or I'm still feeling sluggish after my recent illness, but I don't feel as driven as I did a year ago. I don't obsess over the forecast or the course maps, I don't frequent online forums like I once did. Not every thought that goes through my brain is related to the marathon. I even let my Runner's World magazine subscription expire and didn't bother to renew it.

I guess what I'm getting at here it that I'm re-learning how to love this sport without the mystique of the marathon looming somewhere in the distance. I'm re-learning how to love going out for a run for the sake of going out for a run. I'm learning that not every race has to be (or can be) a PR. I'm learning that the marathon is not all there is to running and that running can be a big part of my life, but not all consuming.

So, I head out for an easy 4 in the snow because that's what I do. I'm a runner.


Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Kate, you've captured what so many bloggers and runners are saying these days. You're a runner, and as runners we move out of the "golden times" when running was so much a part of our lives, like during better weather and marathon training.

It will come back. It's seasonal and cyclical.

I've been away from reading a lot of blogs for a bit while caring for my daughter. How refreshing to return to reading your posts.

Take care of yourself and just enjoy the easy running and let the lovin' feeling find you.

RunnerGirl said...

After my marathon I went through the same sort of thing. Its taken me awhile to get re-motivated to just "go run" for no reason. I finally signed up for a half marathon in May to give me some sort of goal!

Nancy said...

You let RW expire?? Oh the horror. You will be back. I guarantee it. Now tell me about Scotland. :D

Nibbles said...


You mentioned once that you had a hard time keeping to the cross-training portion of your schedule. Have you managed to find an activity you enjoy--biking outdoors or swimming, or a recreational team sport? I find that cross-training improves my fitness while ensuring that I always look forward to my runs. Just my two cents. Good luck--glad you're feeling better and back to training!

P.O.M. said...

I went thru the same thing. I actually signed up for a smaller race with a friend to help force me to keep running. I'm glad I did though becuase I'm loving it again. Well, "Liking" it is probably more accurate. Like I would make out with it, but probably not go all the way. YET. hee hee.

Midwest said...

It's tough in the winter, isn't it? Nasty weather, and it's dark so early. I feel like we runners get extra credit for doing anything at all.

And spring is coming.

Bill Carter said...


Hang in there. The ups and downs of running are never permanent. What I have found (so far) is that there are phases where we are really into it and others where we are not. You're a runner... you'll be back.

GB said...

I go through this EVERY year at least once, usually twice. Usually after Boston.

This year I decided to do something different after Boston, to avoid the 'crash.'

I signed up for an Ultra. And then I'll do some sprint tris in the summer. It's good to change things up a little bit. Don't worry about running Kate. It will ALWAYS be around for you. :)

Andria said...

It's totally normal to need a break every now and then. Most of us need it and when we come back to running it is that much more enjoyable. I know you'll recover.