Wednesday, April 02, 2008


The top of my foot has been hurting for the last week. It's on the top so I'm worried it's a bone issue rather than a muscle issue, i.e. stress fracture. Could just be a bruise but it's not in my nature to think optimistically. Nevertheless, I've taken the last three days off from running to let it heal as much as possible. The half marathon is a week from Saturday and if I can be really careful with it until then, I think I will still be able to run it and run it well. That puts a huge damper on the Pig though but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Tonight, instead of running on my tender foot, I went to my Bikram yoga class and sweated my tush off. I love love Love this class and every time I go, I wonder why I don't go more often and then I remember that it's sort of expensive and running is not. But seriously guys, I've mentioned before how awesome this class is so if you are ever looking for something new to try, give it a go. You'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated by the end in a way you might not have expected.


P.O.M. said...

How funny that we both posted about this. Do you ever feel dizzy? I have to sit down a few times to gather my composure. It's embarssing, but better than blacking out.

Nibbles said...

Can you get in to see a PT to have your foot looked at, or would you have to see a doc for a PT prescription. Yoga sounds like so much fun and it seems to do wonders for the body and mind of a runner. But don't you hate the people who do ONLY yoga and think they are the fittest humans on earth? I've met several people like that--maybe it's a NYC thing--and they drive me BONKERS :-)

Patrick Ellis said...

hi kate,

did you know that you and i are the only two people in the universe to have listed 'trying not to fall off my bike' among our interests on our blogger profiles. now don't you feel better? just to clarify the issue. i did it last year (fell off that is) and for the first time in my life i broke a bone. my arm. ouch.

by the way i don't run, i dance.



RunnerGirl said...

I've been hearing a lot of Bikram lately, I may have to give it a try!