Monday, May 05, 2008

End of an Era

For better or for worse, the time has come. That's right, I'm putting in my resignation at my job. As risky and stupid as it may be, I do not have another job lined up. While this leaves an already severely anxious person (me) with more anxiety than she needs, it is time. I have some savings I can live off of for a few months but after that, who knows.

I made the decision a few weeks ago after I'd been sent home after yet another mental break down in my bosses office. She clearly has no idea what to do with me. Even on meds, my anxiety from my work has become unmanageable so I feel it's time for me to take some time off and get my friggin head together before I end up in a padded room somewhere.

I'm pretty sure my backing out of The Pig is symptomatic of all this going on at work. My doctor agrees that physical activity would be so beneficial for me but I just can't seem to get it together. I've completely lost all motivation to do pretty much anything active and can see the damage it's doing to my waistline. But do I do anything about it? Nope.


Road Warrior said...

It sounds like it was time for a change and this sounds like a good change to make. Life is too short and work is too unimportant to let it bring you down.

Spend some time outside and give your head some time to clear. I'm sure you'll end up better because of this positive change.

Best of luck!

P.O.M. said...

Sometimes taking a huge risk like that is the best thing. Life is too short to stay at a job that makes you so miserable and breakdown. And now that you have no job to get in the way, you have opened yourself up to find something that really makes you happy. Or at the very least, it won't make you break down!

Good luck :) You might have some extra time now to refocus on workouts that really clear your mind.

Keep us posted.

Midwest said...


I'll echo the "life is too short" comments. I really think you'll be happier.

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness. I hope this helps and you find something you like soon. Best of luck to you. I'll be thinking about you.