Friday, June 27, 2008

Bubble Shooter; procrastination's most useful website.

I haven't been exercising nearly as much as I'd like but what with school and my new found addiction to Bubble Shooter I can't seem to find the time. However, I am biking to class every day, 30 minutes each way. My butt is killing me! Unfortunately, my body has gone flabby all over (yuck!) and I feel pretty gross for not running. I guess we can all assume the marathon and even probably the half is out of the question. I am thinking about volunteering anyway.

Speaking of school, I'm hoping to apply for the MFA program at Ohio State by the end of the year. Last week, I had to "audition" for an undergraduate creative non-fiction writing class that I want to take in the fall. I submitted some of my work to the Professor teaching the class (who also just happens to be one of the original founders of the MFA program as OSU) and her response was "You write pretty damn well and I would LOVE to have you in my class!"

Freaking sweet.


Nancy said...

That's got to feel pretty damn good!

Don't write off the half if you want to do it. I'm sure if you started running it would come back and if you can do 6 or 8, you can finish a half. :D

You are sounding better! YEAH.

N.D. said...

That's great about the class!! Congrats. I hate how I feel when I don't run for a while either. But as long as you are keeping busy, I'm sure you'll get back into it soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that classes are going good. It is hard to get going once you have had a break, but you can do it. Focus on the half and you will succeed.

carla said...

very cool about the MFA.

got my masters in counseling but there is a MFA in my future as well if I can get off my arse and get it together!


P.O.M. said...
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P.O.M. said...

Oops - can't type sorry.
You got me totally hooked on Bubble Shooter now too. My coworkers even. We're obsessed.