Saturday, June 07, 2008

Drugs are bad, kids

As part of my ongoing struggle with depression/anxiety, my therapist sent me to a psychiatrist to help get me on the right medications. My GP originally prescribed Lexapro back around Thanksgiving of last year then switched to Cymbalta a few months ago when the Lexapro wasn't doing whatever it was that it was supposed to be doing. Apparently the Cymbalta isn't doing whatever it's supposed to be doing either because the depression has only gotten worse and I haven't slept in months. The psychiatrist is weening me off of the Cymbalta and having me try Wellbutrin.

The thing about all this, folks, is that it takes 6-8 weeks before they can really tell if the new meds are working. In the mean time, I just have to sit around and wait and go through the withdrawal of Cymbalta, and that's no picnic. Let me tell you what it's like:

1. I have not left my bed in 3 days
2. I have migraines so severe that the tiniest bit of light makes me have to throw up
3. My body feels like it's tingling, my lips, my fingers, my eyeballs, my cheeks all feel like they have the creepy crawlies
4. Every time I move my head or eyes, it feels like a shock of electricity shoots through my brain
5. extreme irritability, I snap at anyone for anything
6. severe mood swings. I cried through 2 hours of Dateline last night then went right back to being irritable
7. isolation from friends and family, see number 1
8. depression is worse than before. I woudn't get out of bed, even if I could.

I called both my therapist and my psychiatrist and was basically told that the withdrawal symptoms affect different people different ways and that I should just keep doing what I'm doing and that it will get better. I don't really believe them, but I'm going to do what they tell me.

I mean, what other choice do I have, really?


Road Warrior said...

Wow, when it rains, it pours. It sounds like, at least according to your doctors, you're on the way back up. You'll get there and we're all rooting for you.

For what it's worth, crying during Dateline is pretty common. Every time Stone Phillips starts talking, I start to tear up a bit. It's more pain than anything else, though.

kate said...

Ha, I have that reaction to Mary Hart, that one from Entertainment Tonight. Wasn't there a story a long time ago about some guy who would have seziures every time he heard her voice. So I guess what I'm saying is that it could be worse!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

alright, well, look at this, you can look back at your blogs & see things are getting better.

the migraines are HORRIBLE, I know, i get them, from nothing & they last 2-21 days, LITERALLY.

i've been sitting back reading you & you're gettin better, you even said can see it now you said in your most recent post.