Monday, June 09, 2008

Good Times, Bad Times, You know I've had my share

I did some internet searching while I was hibernating in my bed since Thursday. I read somewhere that exercise can help lessen the withdrawal symptoms of Cymbalta because exercise increases your metabolism, thus, helping move the drugs out of your system faster. Like we needed another reason to prove how good exercise is for us.

So, I exercised for 2.5 hours today.

I've been trying to run, but the brain zaps, the migraines, the lack of motivation and (not to mention) the heat wave we're experiencing has made it almost impossible. Almost.

Yesterday I ran .46 miles before I had to stop and lay down in the grass. Right on a main street and everything. I am awesome. I laid in the grass with tears running in my ears. Eventually, I pulled myself up and crawled home, crying all the way.

Today, I ran TWO AND A HALF MILES and I feel like a new person. It wasn't pretty by any means and I was super slow but I did it. Then I came home and did free weights and yoga in my living room while listening to Led Zepplin on vinyl.

I think I may have turned a corner.


P.O.M. said...

Yes, it seems that a corner has been turned! Stick with it :) I have friend who really had luck with Wellbutrin.

Running Ragged said...

Hang in day at a time!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

my MIL is on Wellbutrin & she's a new person.

she's a sef medicator he rwhole life & tehn when my FIL died, her Dr ut her on it & swear to god, if I don't knwo better I'd say she was invaded my aliens, sh'es so nice & normal now.

MY hubby sayd shew was like this befgoper her last kid & after the last kid, she's been mean, hateful, hurtful & just MEAN.

come to find out its a depression (I thouhgt bi-polar, for the first 6 months I knew her, then I just thought mean)

what I'm saying is you're on your way. . . .it'll all come together for you

Molly said...

Stumbled upon your blog.
I have beeen diagnosed with anxiety, OCD and mild bipolar disorder and my meds changed each time. Have you tried Prozac? It really worked for me (recontly changed to Lamictal - HATE it). I took it in the morning and a little clonapin at night to help me sleep.
There are good message boards at if you want to talk to others in the same place.
Hang in there.
Take Care

Steve Stenzel said...

Isn't it CRAZY how quick things can turn around?!? We all need to remember that when we're having one of those horribly off days!

Al's CL Reviews said...

I came across your blog. I think you described my life in 2002 (the peeling the onion thing). I too got diagnosed with a mild form of depression that I viewed as every day life.
Stick with the trial and error on the meds. You'll find one that works. Also if you don't like one of your doctors, switch. Don't assume MD=God. (I had this issue with my psychiatrist, finally kicking him to the curb and just dealing with the therapist and GP).

Glad you got out and ran.

I hope your day is well.