Monday, November 17, 2008


It's snowing in Ohio.

I was not good about running last week. Only got about 7 miles in. And I did not do my long run.

Mostly because I've been feeling slight melancholy again. I wouldn't say full blown depression but a persistent sense of unease and an unwillingness to leave my bed. I wonder how this can happen when I'm on all the drugs that have been working thus far. Therapy has been rough for the last month or so. Maybe that's it.

But I'm going to class. I will not allow myself to stay in bed all day and miss the classes that I love. I will not do that to myself.

Even if it is snowing in Ohio.


Kelly said...

My goodness. Is it the weather? Is it just the time of year? Holidays are coming up? I hope you feel better this week. Just take it day by day. Best wishes Kate. Thanks for the post, it's been a while :)

Running Ragged said...

My daughter (8) saw the snow this morning and immediately was hoping for at least a one hour delay, but deep down she was rooting for a snow day. I easily crushed her dreams by saying, "the roads are not covered, you are going to school." ;)

Good for you to get up and go to class. Kelly is right, take it one day at a time. :)

Run Mommy said...

Hi there..found your blog..I look forward to reading more! I live in Canada so I know a little something about snow. Despite being Canadian- I still hate snow. :)