Monday, February 12, 2007


It's official. I have a kidney stone. This is actually my 3rd so the process is not new. However, the last one had me out of commission for over 2 weeks, involving multiple surgeries and trips to specialists and lots of Vicodin. Hopefully this one won't be as bad but I think I have to put up my running shoes for a little while, at least until this thing is out of my body. If I have to have surgery again, probably even longer.

I am devastated. I think my hopes of running the half marathon on April 14th are slowly slipping away and I couldn't be more upset about it. I know, I know. There will be other races but I've just been so determined and focused up until now. But I understand how important it is to be healthy while in training so if backing off or stopping completely for a while will get me back there, so be it.

Hopefully the next post will be good news.


GB said...

Oh I am so sorry about the kidney stone, as I hear those are HELL! Try to not be bummed about not running the Half in April. You are right that it IS better to be healthy first. There will be plenty of races in your future as long as you are healthy!

JOJIT said...

Running will always be here. Take care of your health first and hope you get better soon!

chellperry said...

Hi Kate

Sorry about the kidney stones. Stumbled on your nanowrimo post and felt compelled to write and see how the writing is going. Im a published suspense author (4 books) and I've been in the same place as you for the past year. But I've decided I've stalled long enough and I've got to get back to business. hopefully you've gotten out of your slump, but if you haven't, email me at and maybe we can help each other out.

Michelle Perry

GB said...

Hey how are you feeling???