Saturday, April 28, 2007

Two posts in one day - I MUST be sick

Somewhere around 7.30 this evening, I started feeling back to normal. Not sure if the antibiotics are kicking in or if the cure can be found in some of mom's good old fashioned homemade potatoes, but either way, I'm beginning to think I just might not die after all.

I've spent most of the day alternating between watching really bad movies on tv (this is what I get for not having cable) and being really upset that I missed my scheduled long run for this morning. I realize there's nothing I can do about strep throat and maybe this is God's way of forcing me to take it easy for a few days, but OH how I miss my long run. It's become such a routine in my life over the past year and I miss it like I miss church on Sunday mornings - just don't feel centered the rest of the week without it.

Call me crazy (and you would most definitely not be the first) but during my time of bed rest, I've laid out my marathon training plan to see where I need to tweak due to family obligations and where I'll need to sacrifice other areas of my life in order to train. I'll be working my way up to a peak of 20 miles over the course of the summer and that's bound to put a damper on my social life (and I thought THIS would be the year I found a boyfriend, HA!). The Columbus Marathon is 25 weeks away and I would like to lose about 30 pounds before the gun goes off. I think this is possible, although I know the importance of properly fueling my body once I start hitting the really high mileage weeks so I'd like to get my weight down before I get to that point.

So that's goal #2 for my first marathon (goal #1 of course being to merely finish which is a fete in an of itself). And goal #3, although I'm hesitant to type this, is a time goal. I know, I know. I shouldn't' set myself up that way. Every book I've read tells the first time marathoner to only set a goal of finishing the race and to enjoy that sweet victory for what it is - but I just can't get this number out of my head....4:30. My half marathon time predicts I will finish the marathon closer to 5 hours and, I'm sorry, that just makes me cringe. 30 minutes isn't much, right? And remember, my half marathon training was solid for only about 4 weeks. I'm hoping that with weight loss and a training schedule that is not interrupted by sickness and injury (or my stupidity) this is a goal I can achieve.

So Mr. Strep Throat, enjoy it while you can because I'm on a mission and I don't have time to be sick any more.

1 comment:

GB said...

I love seeing how runners progress. You are awesome! Already planning for that full marathon and so soon off the heals of your half marathon. That is great! First things first, get healthy and get over this strep throat completely. Don't push it until you know you are 100% well. I'm so excited to keep track of your training. It's going to be great!