Monday, May 28, 2007

Upper Arlington Memorial Day 5 Miler

Another day, another great race!

Dad and I met at the race site about 45 minutes before the start time. We picked up our ankle chips and milled around with the other runners. I was a little annoyed by the chip because it velcro'ed around our ankle instead of being laced through our shoe laces. At first it felt a little clunky and unbalanced but by the time we got up to the starting line, I forgot it was even there. We started at the back of the pack again but I think I managed to keep up with a good portion of the pack for most of the race, which I was very happy about!

The course wound through the streets of this local neighborhood and many people stood on their lawns to cheer the runners on. Some even had their sprinklers on and facing the street which was MUCH appreciated seeing as how it was about 79 degrees and 90% humidity. I was dripping with sweat before we even started so by mile 4 I was a big sloppy mess. There were two water stops on the course which surprised me (the fact that there were 4, yes f.o.u.r., for the Race for the Cure surprised me as well!) since there was no mention of that in the race information. I don't know if the water stops are just common knowledge for these things or what. I guess I still have a lot to learn!

Did I mention it was all uphill? Yeah. The first mile was pretty painless as most first miles are but by mile 4 I was getting a little pissed off. Why couldn't they run this thing backwards? I guess downhills are just as painful as the uphills but for crap's sake I was just not ready for that. Luckily, the last mile was flat and fast so I finished strong. I don't know my (or my dad's) official time yet but by my watch it was pretty close to 50:20 or so. I'm pretty happy with that!

Back to training....

1 comment:

GB said...

Excellent race in that heat and with those hills! You should be proud of that, for sure. Keep up the great racing girl. You'll be getting PR after PR after PR before you know it.