Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Desperate Measures

In the middle of my miserable 5 miler this afternoon, I had to make an emergency pit stop. And not the easy #1 kind either. Imagine, if you will, having to make a mad dash to a port-a-potti in the middle of the park on a hot summer afternoon with 90% humidity. Now imagine you step up into said port-a-potti, trying to touch as little of it as possible with your body, and notice the service list states the port-a-potti has not been serviced in 5 days. Five days of sweltering, steamy sun beating down on this damp, stinky, germ-infested little room. Now also imagine a lack of toilet paper and a sweaty runner who still 2.5 miles from her car.


In other news, I think I might be on the verge of losing my first toenail. I've been bragging to all my non-runner friends about it like it's a rite of passage. They all just look at me like I've completely lost my marbles.

And I'm in love with my Garmin. I'm getting better at knowing how to use it and boy does it keep me honest. It's humbling, really. But also satisfying to be able to know the exact mile I ran in 9:30 (yay) and the exact mile where I crashed and ran a 12:32 (boo). It's a fun little gadget. The only thing that worries me is that I'll become too dependent on it and lose all the fun of just going out for a run "naked" and losing track of the time and miles. I'm afraid I'll become too competitive with myself and push too hard on days I'm supposed to be going easy.

And last, but certainly not least, it's hot outside. It was 91F when I went out today and I thought I was going to die. I may have to re-think getting up at the butt crack of dawn and getting my run in before work or doing it late in the evening. I can't keep running in this heat. It's absolutely miserable!!!

1 comment:

GB said...

I've been having to get up at the butt crack of dawn because the temps here have been between 98 and 103 for the last several days. I can't stand that heat. Thank goodness we have no humidity! Be careful out there! Hydrate.