Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Say hello to my new best friend...

Perhaps running out at buying this little number was a little indulgent and impulsive but....gotta have it. Most girls I know spend their down time at work shoe shopping online. Me? I've had my eye on this little beauty for months.

Now, if only I could figure out how to work it!


Pat said...

I want one of those too. Everyone that has a garmin loves it.

good luck with your marathon training. I, assume you're going to run the Columbus Marathon? My sister and her husband live in Columbus, maybe some day I'll run that race.


kate said...

You bet. The course practically runs through my back yard so I'm really excited.

Ian said...

I really need to get one.

Daphne said...

I did the same thing..thought about it for months and then finally got one. I love it now. And I love motionbased to analyze it..although it seems to be off a little bit on the distance/speed sometimes.

Good luck with training!

kate said...

I agree with you there. I don't even take into consideration when it tells me my bast pace was 6:55. That's not possible!!