Friday, July 13, 2007

Adios Humidity

You may have noticed a slightly orange countdown clock on the left hand side of this little corner of the internet I claim as my own. It's been steadily ticking off the seconds until marathon day for quite a few months now and today is the first day we are now in double digits.

99 days to go and counting!

I have had a much better week of running. Tuesday's "easy" 3 miles turned into a "medium" 3, Wednesday's 6 was FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC and even Thursday's easy 3 was nice and easy. So I'm feeling quite optimistic about tomorrow's cut back week of only 9 miles.

Didja hear that? I said only 9 miles. This is why I love training for a marathon. I can say things like "I only have to run 9 miles on Saturday" and totally mean it. I remember not too long ago when my "long run" was a whopping 4 miles. Now I'm preparing to hit my first -teen since I ran the 1/2 marathon in April.

Which reminds me. My schedule calls for a 14 mile run next Saturday but I am going to be driving to the fascinating metropolis that is Terre Haute, IN for my little sister's bridal shower. I thought about trying to squeeze it in early early on Saturday morning but if my run goes anything like it did last Saturday, I'll be in a pickle. I could move it to Sunday, but I'm running another 1/2 marathon on July 28th and that's a little too close together. So, I think I'm going to try and do it Friday after work.

That should be interesting. I'm going to start praying for low humidity starting now.


Patty said...

Offering up my own positive thoughts for low humidity for you next Friday night, as there is strength in numbers. I know you will be fine.

GB said...

Yay I love it! "Only 9 miles." Yup, you're officially in marathon training. I can't wait to see you running the 18 miler, then the 20 miler! You will AMAZE yourself. Keep up the excellent work!

kate said...


This is still the only way I can log in. For real. I'm not trying to up my "comments" count or anything. For real.