Monday, July 16, 2007

I have no pace control

Four miles today and check it:

Mile 1: 10:17
Mile 2: 9:38
Mile 3: 15:08
Mile 4: 10:13

Uhhh. What happened at mile 3?? Well, apparently all that not-so-good-for-me food I've been stuffing into my pie hole recently finally got the best of me. Still 2 miles from my car, still 3 miles from a porta-potty, I decided to speed walk (ahem, not so speedy) as fast as I could without setting anything awry. Then, apparently, it passed. (TMI? Nah, we're runners! We're not embarrassed by "Runners Trots"!) Who knows? If it hadn't been for that little dealy, mile 3 would have been much better and I'd be much happier with those splits. But hey, I'm still pretty proud of those splits, especially since mile 4 felt like a recovery jog. I looked down at the Garmin at the end and you could have knocked me over. I couldn't believe it!

I have to say, I've been feeling much better this week and last. I've been sleeping better and feeling stronger out there on the road. I think I realized how critical of myself I've been so I've been trying to give myself a little credit. After all, if running is 98% mental and that 98% is negative, there's no way I'll get this thing done. Just no way. I can't listen that little voice inside of me that says "You can't do it" because then I'm sure to fail. Positive thinking is the way to go, dudes.

So, I press on and nurture my dings. For a sports bra that's not supposed to chafe, I sure have a lot of stingy spots when I hop in the shower. OWIE! And my toenail finally fell off. Thank you, thank you! It was a long time coming and I wasn't quite sure it was going to hop ship, then 2 nights ago, there it was. It was a proud day here in my house.


Bridgette said...

Your first missing toenail - a real runner you are! :)

BTW, I WISH I had the problem of having big enough boobs to chafe. :)

Ian said...

Ahh yes. The Runner's Trots. Congrats on losing your first toenail. I've been running for 3 years and still haven't lost one yet. Maybe I'm not running fast enough.

kate said...

bridgette - boobs are totally overrated, trust me. I run along...they smack me in the chin...I've tried tucking them under my armpits but they just won't stay put. I'm trying to donate them to a worthy cause.

Vanilla - try smaller shoes. Best of luck with that, it really is exciting.

Patty said...

I have fond fond memories of my first lost toenail! Congrats!