Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Another great run is in the books. Today didn't suck! I'm thoroughly surprised. 7 miles and I even managed to pick it up the last two miles. I felt pretty freaking fantastic at my turn-around point so I decided to try and run the last two miles at my goal pace for this weekend (10:18). Wouldn't you know, the Garmin said 9:50 and 9:52.

WHAT'S UP?&$%#($*#($)!*$(&*)(*^&**$*

One ice bath later and I'm basking in the afterglow of another runner's high. The pessimist in me is wondering when my streak will end (surely it must) and the optimist in me is hoping it's not before this weekend. Ah well. I sleep better this time around knowing I'm so much more prepared for this 1/2 marathon than I was for my first. I feel strong.

Now, on to other matters...I need some help. I am B.O.R.E.D. with my playlist and need some recommendations for some new fun stuff to put on there. Eventually, I'd need to ween myself off the ipod because I don't plan on using it for the marathon BUT, in the meantime, I need a change. If you run with one, what are some songs on the ipod (or mp3 player, or walkman if you're retro) that get you moving? Get you pumped? Give you that kick in the arse that says "Let's DO this thing!" List a couple and I promise to load it on the pod...unless I already have it or the song makes my ears bleed. I'm sure you all have some suggestions....! C'mon, you know you want to. Don't be shy.


Patty said...

Get over it by The Eagles.

Like it or not by Madonna

Helen by Nizlopi

JCB Song by Nizlopi

Everybody, Everybody by Black Box

Pump up the jam is technotronic


Patty said...

I forgot to tell you that I love the Madonna song more for what it says than the beat. It talks about, "This is who I am, you can like it or not, love me or leave me but I'm never gonna stop." How I was feeling about all this running stuff in the beginning when I was helping the people in my life get used to the new, exercising me.

kate said...

Awesome! Thanks Patty! I don't have any of those. And I totally get what you're saying about the words of a song being motivational as well, not only the rhythm.

As the great oh wise one Emimem says in his classic ballad "Lose Yourself"

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got

You can do anything you set your mind to, man

Plus some explatives.

And it's a catchy song to boot.

Keep 'em coming!

Nancy said...

Kate - You will either crack up or roll your eyes and look up my age, but... we were watching TV after the Superbowl and they had AIR SUP
PLY (hee hee!!) doing a commercial for a package of soft rock. We were totally laughing at it but then we realized we knew all the words to all the songs. We decided to be reckless and order!! And turns out they are great to run to when you are not the speediest and just want to have a nice enjoyable long run. I know, I know, it would probably make your ears bleed...

Midwest said...

Anything from Madonna's Confessions on a Dance Floor is pretty awesome. And if you don't have "Til I Collapse" by Eminem, get it. It will totally motivate you. Also consider "Into Action" by Tim Armstrong.

The Lexicologist said...

Regarding great running songs, I second "Confessions on a Dance Floor." I've also thrown Queen's "Fat Bottom Girls" near the end of my playlist... if I hear it, it makes me pick up the pace!

kate said...

Sold! I'm adding all these. Thanks you guys!!

laluna said...

I just popped by from someone else's blog... My favorite running music is the podrunner podcast by DJ Steveboy (available free via itunes). They are hour long techno mixes and you can pick the speed of music to match your pace (I like the ones around 155 BPM). I'm totally hooked on running with these!