Sunday, August 05, 2007

With a little help from my friends

I'm not sure when it happened but all of a sudden my friends are on board. I had company for almost all my runs this week which was a rare treat because I always run by myself. Now, I love my friends dearly but runners they are not. Drinkers, yes. Runners? Someday perhaps, but up until this week, they usually looked at me with amusement whenever I'd start in about the obnoxious toenail that's still lingering on or how my ice bath this morning didn't exactly get all the kinks out like I'd hoped. Up until now, they were supportive of course, but never had any inclination towards joining me for a run.

Then, all of a sudden, there they were. One decided to bike along beside me while I ran, graciously carrying my water and keys and making me laugh the entire time. Another joined me for the first mile of my long run on Saturday. It was her first try running outside in the elements (has been running for a few weeks on a TM at her gym) and afterwards, I knew she was hooked. She called me up later in the day to ask what time to be at the park next Saturday.

After my friend finished her very first outdoor run on Saturday, I went on to get the rest of my long run in. A few miles into it, I ran into my dad. He decided to sign up to run his very first 1/2 marathon the same day I run my full (so we'll run it together) and Saturday was his first long run. I had no idea he was out there doing this so I yelped when I saw him "Hey old man!" and turned around and ran with him for about 5 miles. Well, 5 miles is a rough guesstimate. I forgot my Garmin and I was kicking myself for it, but actually I was much more relaxed without it. I pretty much know where the mile markers are on this route so I just ran by feel and chatted up my dad for a while. It was great!

And I have to tell you, I think this week has ruined me. I had so much fun with company on my runs I'm afraid I'll want it all the time!! But really, this was a fantastic week and I'm so thrilled to see my friends and family start to make positive changes regarding their health. To think I had anything to do with that blows my mind.

Happy miles....


Greg Johnson said...

You go girl! Look at the people you are inspiring to better health. You are making a difference in our day!

Keep pressing toward the finish line!


Nancy said...

Kate - This week sounds fantastic. Way to get something started. My sis-in-law (who runs) and I are enjoying chatting about running and blogging and just saying how nice it is to have someone who shares the interest. Hopefully they are all hooked. (I think I may have hooked her on blogging!!)

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Kate... Sounds like a great week of running to me. I know it can be nice to run with someone else.

Way to go on getting the freinds and family on he running game.

Patty said...

Proving once again the best way to show someone the benefits of something is to lead by example. Seeing positive changes in you is what is making them want the same for themselves. Good job.

Good job too on letting go of the urge to beat yourself up for forgetting the Garmin. Leaving it behind can give your runs a more playful feel which is good once and a while.

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Kate, way to be that force that inspires others. What an experience to have that kind of support. I'm sure they got more out of it than you did. Keep up the great training!