Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Big 2-0

Hal told me to run 19 miles this morning. But did I listen? Nooooooooo!

The weather was cool, my legs felt great. I told myself that if I felt horrible at 19, I'd stop, no bones. But if I got to 19 and I felt like I had one more mile in me, I was going to go for it. More for the psychological benifit than anything else.

When I got to mile 15 and I wasn't dead, I knew I was going to go for 20. The last 5 miles were anything but pretty but it was too late...I already had my heart set on 20. There was more walking than I would have liked but in the end, I got it done in 3:59:33, slower than I would have liked but I'll take it. 20 miles is 20 miles after all and that's what I did today.

Took the planned marathon outfit for the run and I think my shirt is too big. =(


Greg Johnson said...

Good job Kate. If you did 20, you can do 26.2!

Nice job!


Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Just goes to show you know yourself better than Hal.

Good job on the full 20 miler. When it comes to the LR, it's more about time spent on your feet, so the walking is apart of it.

Good job, Kate!

GB said...

Way to accomplish your goal out there! Keep up the good work, Kate!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Yeah on 20! Sounds like the distance was good for your legs and your head.

Good luck on finding the right shirt - that is sooo important!


Running Ragged said...

That is awesome! Congratulations on your PR!!!

Patty said...


Shirt too big, AND a 20 miler... Sounds like a double reason to go shopping to me.

Midwest said...

Woo hoo!