Thursday, September 13, 2007


Provided I don't slag off and I complete my 19 miler on Saturday morning as planned, I will reach 37 miles for the week. Holy moly. No wonder I eat like a freaking horse. I eat everything placed in front of me and then I ask for more. Like a Hobbit, I have breakfast, then I have Second Breakfast. Lunch, then Second Lunch. I'm not too hungry at the end of the day so after my run, I'll usually have a banana and then maybe a bowl of soup. But for the most part, I'm starving all the time. And when I finally do eat after going a whole 20 minutes or so of not eating, whatever it is tastes soooo gooooodddd.

For example, I had a chicken sandwich for lunch, plain old chicken, some lettuce, a little mayo...nothing out of the ordinary, right? So how's come I scarfed that thing down like I hadn't seen food in days, then went on to rave to everyone I saw about how good it was?? It wasn't that spectacular, was it? Half an hour later, I'm back down at the cafeteria sniffing around for another one!

I've been a human garbage disposal now for about 3 weeks coinciding with the increase in mileage. It makes sense that I would need to eat more to keep up, but is this normal? I haven't gained any weight but I'm worried I will if I keep walking around "famished" all the time and make poor food choices. I have absolutely no idea how many calories I'm ingesting, honestly, they're chewed up and in my tummy before I can count them.

It just seems so totally bizarre to me, that I can eat as much as I do and not gain weight. And yes, I realize it's a balancing act (calories in vs calories out) but I still have that overweight, out of shape mentality that was ME for so many years. Just because the weight is gone, doesn't mean I don't still feel like that insecure fat girl. One thing that has changed, though, I don't eat for comfort anymore, I eat for FUEL.

I'm learning about so much more than running while training for this marathon.


Nancy said...

Hmmm, no help here, I'm not experiencing this, but also not running as many miles -- should be close this week, though. It sounds like you don't have a lot of 'excess baggage' to burn so you do have to fuel. It seems like the scale should help you with this. (and other smarter people than me!)

I keep thinking I should be losing, but not really happening. You are totally right about all the lessons we are learning!! :)

Midwest said...

I hear you, sister. Yesterday, I could not eat enough food!

P.O.M. said...

Funny blog. And the "insecure fat girl" takes a long time to go away I think. She still creeps around in my brain for sure.

But oh I love thinking about food on my long runs. I am always thinking "I can eat like 1,000 extra calories tonight!" And trust me - I do!

Alaska Laurie said...

I completely understand. I am down 40+ pounds from my heaviest weight. The weight drop is due to Weight Watchers, Curves and lots of running. It is so great to be able to eat lots of good food. I am amazed that my body has been able to perform at this level!