Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Big 2-8!

No, not 28 miles (I wish)! 28 years of wandering around on this planet. That's right, it's my birthday. My present to myself every year is the day off from work, or in this case, 3 days. No one should have to work on their birthday. When I'm ruler of the Earth, birthdays will be akin to holidays. Sleep in, have pancakes for breakfast, watch soaps or football all day, let your friends buy you presents and tell you how marvelous you are. None of this work silliness!

Today I run 9 miles. I'll leave the Garmin on the kitchen table and run for the sake of running. I'll run to feel my 28 year old feet push my body across this earth. I'll run to feel the sweet September air fill my lungs. I'll run to feel my heart beat in my chest for the 1,178,125,312th time. I'll run in celebration of all the blessings I've had and those to still look forward to.

Today, I run 9 miles because I can.


Patty said...

Happt birthday Kate. I have a dim recollection of being 28...Good times.

Wishinh you many special blessing for the coming year.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I also believe BIRTHDAY'S should be considered a Holiday (mines in 15 days~~~34 yrs old~~~~

I actually worked at a place that, when you were hired you got 4 personals, 10 vacation & your birthday & if it fell on a weekend, you got (your choice) Friday or Monday off. AND if you hired into the company in, lets say. . . November you got all that time & in January it started over!!!! I loved that place :o)

But the pay & hours sucked so I moved on, but thoses were the days!! It was AWESOME.........OH & you could work you Bday & take another day in its place (with approval of your boss).

Andria said...

Happy Birthday! Good reasons for running today. And I agree. Birthdays should be a holiday.

Liz Saunders said...

YAY FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY! It's amazing - each year you are STILL 5 months older than I am. ;+)

Glad you gave yourself a break from work. Glad you are enjoying life at the ripe old age of 28. Glad you're my friend after all these years. Love ya! =)

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day and run was fabulous!


The Lexicologist said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it's been a good one. May the year ahead bring great things!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday, Kate. You are so young and yet so wise!! Hope you had a great day. I hope the 9 was wonderful and fun. You are doing so awesome!!

GB said...

Aaaaw Kate, what a great birthday post! I hope you had a really great and special birthday. You deserve it!

Jes said...

Happy Birthday! I just celebrated my 26th. (o:

P.O.M. said...

Happy Birthday! Birthdays are not just holidays, they should be month-long celebrations.

And OH how lovely to run just to run (and not for training).

Running Ragged said...

I am a bit late I know, but none the less, I hope you had a great birthday!

kate said...
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