Monday, September 10, 2007

Lesson learned

I'm not cutting myself any slack for Saturday's poor performance. Yes, my back hurt but more than anything I just didn't want to be out there. 13 miles is something I've done a few times now so I didn't have the thrill of a new PR somewhere near the end of my run. I didn't have much motivation for this run and it felt more like a chore than anything else. Just puttin' in the miles. The heat and humidity were a killer and *ahem* oh yeah, the beers. In my defense I only had 2 and it was my friend's 30th birthday. On the other hand, I know better than to think that wouldn't be a factor in the morning.

So. Lesson learned. Respect the long run, you idiot!

The good news is that I think my back problem is mostly gone. I spent most of Saturday icing and doing some ibuprofen therapy. I ended up at my yoga class last night and a good stretch did wonders.

The other good news is that the forecast for next Saturday, aka The 19 Miler, is a high of only 64F, low humidity and plenty of sun. I think I'm looking at a nice, cool 49F at my start time of 6:45. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really looking forward to 19!

And lastly, people keep asking how long it is until my marathon. I throw up a little in my mouth after I said "39 days" today. GULP! I remember when that countdown clock said 312 days. Man. Time goes fast when you're running!

Is it too soon to start picking out an outfit?


Running Ragged said...

Only 39 days....OMG!!!

I already picked my 'outfit', I am going to run with what I am comfortable in. I did toy with the idea of having a shirt made with some goofy saying on the back. But...I am just not the most creative person. lol

Good luck with your 19 miler on Saturday!

Nancy said...

39 days WOO HOO - you should definitely have an outfit, something that is cute, but tried and true. I read somewhere you should do at least 13 miles in clothes before you wear them to 'the big day'.

Good luck in the cooler temps, it should be awesome!!

The 311 Boys Mom said...


I already have one fo ra marathon I'm not even signed up for or sure I'll be able to do with my VERY slow progress!!!

New outfit might be good for you. Always good for me & I read you should run a long run in it to make sure it doesn't 'rub you wrong'.

Good Luck!!!!

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

The time is going to fly, Kate, between now and race day.

If I was a gambler, I'd bet you're going to have a great 19 mile run this weekend.

It's getting exciting following the progress of you and others getting ready for Columbus.

Let us know how great your run goes Saturday!

Andria said...

Totally time to pick your outfit. That way, if you need to change your mind three times you'll still have time to get used to the clothes before the big race! 36 days. Yikes!

Liz Saunders said...

I say... RUN NAKED! It'll cause quite a stir. =)

Hope the back is better!

Patty said...

Not only should you pick your outfit, but you should be sure to do a long run in it so you don't have any chafing issues on marathon day.

P.O.M. said...

"Respect the long run" - definately a lesson I need to learn. It makes such a huge differece. I did 21 miles after skipping dinner the night before, eating only gu for breakfast and a wearing horrible cotton shirt. I was so mis i thought I would die.

Let the countdown begin! 27 days for me!