Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Can you believe it? I've been anticipating the Wednesday 10 Miler since June!

Despite the RIDICULOUS humidity, I had an awesome run tonight. My goal was to run the first two miles easy as a warm up and then see if I could hold the remaining 8 at MP. I was worried when I checked the Garmin at mile 1 and it read 10:39. Ooops. So much for easy! (By the way, I know 10:39 isn't exactly flying but my goal pace for this marathon is 10:50 so I was way too fast this first mile.)

Fully expecting to crash by the time I got to 5, I tried to pull back a little bit. Mile 2, 10:45. Alrighty then. So much for a nice easy warm up.

Shockingly enough, the crash never came and I was able to hold that pace the full 10 miles. I finished the run SOAKING from head to toe and smiling from ear to ear. I live for runs like this. The runs that make all the hard days seem worth it. The runs that leave you feeling strong and empowered at the end instead of totally spent and frustrated. The runs where everything goes as planned and you actually surprise yourself with what you're able to do.


Nancy said...

You are so STRONG. You are gonna KILL at that marathon. It's great to hear you feeling so confident and strong.

Great job and Congrats on a great run!!

Andria said...

Wow! That is awesome! Way to keep up the pace. It's great when things work out better than expected. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come.

Running Ragged said...

That is great. You are gonna rock the Columbus marathon! Good luck with your run this weekend.