Saturday, September 22, 2007


Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes. The birthday run wasn't great but the rest of the day was. I ate like a horse and spent time with friends and family. I also took the week off work so I've been doing a whole lotta nuthin' and it feels marvelous. And, aside the fact that my tits are in my shoes, I feel much better at 28 than I ever did at 21. Here's to my late 20's!

I had a cut back week this week so I 'only' ran 12 miles this morning. Dad ran the first 9 with me and when he finished I tried to pick up the pace a bit and finish at MP. However, I had more in the tank than I realized and ended up running those last 3 miles about 20-25 seconds faster than MP. This never happens so I was high as a kite when I finished. Why can't the marathon be 12 miles, huh?

Anyway, I'm going to bore you with the splits (oh, and it was already 75F and 79% humidity when we started, joy)

mile 1: 11.20
mile 2: 11.15
mile 3: 11.18
mile 4: 11.43 (water)
mile 5: 11.20
mile 6: 12.08 (gel, potty break) ug. I've got to tinker with this. My breakfast the last 2 weeks has been catching up with me. Not fun!
mile 7: 11.11
mile 8: 10.59
mile 9: 11.01
mile 10: 10.35
mile 11: 10.33
mile 12: 10.33

Yep. I'm loving miles 10, 11 and 12. And dad even finished faster than he started which is awesome, although a little birdy told me he's hurting pretty bad now, a few hours later. Ice bath! Ice bath! Ice bath!

So, I'm feeling pretty good about this whole marathon thing. One last week of proper training, capped off with my final long run of 20 miles, then 3 weeks of taper. I'm already anticipating the madness so I apologize in advance if I go a little mental.


Nancy said...

You think your's look bad, try 39 and two kids later...:)

I love the "eating like a horse" part.

Great splits, you are gonna rock that marathon. You are doing so awesome!! Congrats on making through the hard weeks of training.

Running Ragged said...

Awesome way to finish up the run!!!

Patty said...

Don't ya love it when running feels like that? Good job.

I have always delt with "potty issues" after the two hour mark of running. I have found cutting out greens a few days pior helps, and for me (NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR YOU), I eat a little bigger dinner and skip breakfast and find this helps. Remember I am the gal that eats during running, so I have fuel.

Bottom line, I just started wearing a depends under my underwear. This gives me security and keeps the stress down in the event there is no potty handy.

And now that everyone has that TMI visual...Whatever works, and gets you through right?

P.O.M. said...

Bananas for breakfast help with the potty problem for me.

The best part about the last long run is THE TAPER. yeah!