Monday, December 10, 2007

2 Race reports

That's right, I did two races in one weekend. On Saturday, I slipped and slided through Nancy's 8 on the 8th and on Sunday I ran the Reindeer Run which wasn't officially timed but I crossed the finish line in an un-official 30:24 (poopahloopah). Also, my races overlapped as I only did 5 miles on Saturday, Sunday's race bringing me to a grand total of 8.1 miles for the weekend, which, I guess would technically make me last in Nancy's race seeing as how it took me TWO DAYS to cover the distance. Nancy is the most lenient race director I've ever not met =)

I must have tweaked something in my right ankle on Saturday as I was slipping and sliding through the ice and snow. I'm going to rest it for a few days. Since I have a cold and the weather is downright depressing right now, seems as good a time as any to rest up the old body.

In other news, I had my stress test this morning. I told the nurse I was totally going to own that treadmill. She laughed and said the treadmill always wins. How right she was. The combination of speed, incline and being hooked up to all manner of machines, not to mention being topless (they did give me a paper robe-thingy, but come on! I need an over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder in order to really show 'em what I got!) caused me to reach my max heart rate far sooner than I expected. Then they threw me on the table and took all kinds of pictures of my heart. It's amazing to see how much work our hearts do and we hardly ever notice it until something goes wrong.

The nurse told me they would contact me within the next 24 hours if the cardiologist found anything urgent, otherwise the full report will be finished in a week. I imagine this sort of waiting is wait for an appointment, then you wait for the results, then you wait for a follow up appointment where the doctor tells you to go see someone else, then you wait for an appointment with that guy and he orders more tests and the cycle continues until someone either tells you you're gonna live or you're gonna die. In the meantime, I'm going to keep on getting out there and living, aka running.


Nancy said...

Can I get an approximate time for the 8 miles? If so, I will add you into the results. :D

My husband had a TM stress test once too. The TM eventually won. I'm sure everything is going to be just fine. Take care!

Nibbles said...


Way to put in the miles this weekend! Hoorah!

I'm sure the stress test results will mean a sparkly-clean bill of health for you. The dreadmill is designed to win during these things from what I understand--kind of like the "player versus computer" mode in those annoying games that come with every new PC :-)

Bill Carter said...

I've had that exact same test and the treadmill brought me literally to my knees! Don't expect to hear anything for a while, because I am absolutely 100 percent sure that you are fine.