Sunday, December 02, 2007


I planned on reveling in my post-PR high all Saturday afternoon but in the car on the way to go Christmas shopping with friends, I got a raging migraine. Although, at the time, I had myself convinced it was a stroke and opted out of the mall and screaming kiddies for the sanctuary of my very dark and quiet bedroom. I'm not quite sure what brought on the migraine - I haven't had one like this since I was in junior high - but it kept me flat on my back for the rest of the day.

It's subsided to just a dull ache somewhere at the back of my head but I'm once again thankful that it's just another one of those freak things that happen to my body and not something serious. Spoken like a true hypochondriac, I know!

All that to say, I haven't done much other than cross stitch this weekend. I got the brilliant idea a few weeks ago to make this cross stitch thingy for sis and my BIL for Christmas and I've been working my nubby fingers to the bone trying to get it done in time. Hopefully, it will resemble the picture when all is done.


Nancy said...

Um Kate???? How much were you crossstitching before you got the migraine? If you haven't done a lot of close work of this type, then did a bunch, this could be the culprit. Most people have a trigger, sometimes you never figure it out, but I would say limit your sessions a bit if you think it could have been related.

It is gorgeous, they will love it!

Jes said...

I've crossstitched before... but it required more patience than I had. lol. Good luck!

Midwest said...

Love that design. Are you using the black background? I've never strayed from white.

Bill Carter said...

Migraines stink. I've only had a couple of them and would like to know what triggered 'em because I wouldn't EVER do that again.
Keep reveling in that PR.. on our worst day that could keep us running.

Bridgette said...

I try to be crafty too - got the knitting jones. :)

I'm working on a IU scarf - thought they were going to Detroit for their bowl game... but, no, they're going to AZ so no scarf needed. :) I've sort of lost my drive to finish it now that I have a whole year before FB season starts again.