Thursday, December 06, 2007


So, this is what I awoke to yesterday morning, a fresh blanket of white covering the ground and quieting the city. I thought about trying to make my way through it for a few miles but then thought better of it. I'm a runner, true, but even I have my limits!

This being the first snowfall of the year, I'm still in a place where I get excited like a little kid at the prospect of snowmen and sledding down hills until my lips turn blue and my toes fall off from frostbite. I can't wait to sip a cup of hot chocolate in front of a crackling fire and cuddle with a fluffy blanket...or cat...or Christian Bale look-alike, I'm not picky.

But all too soon I'll grow weary of digging my car out every morning and long for the humid 95* days I was complaining about not too long ago! The grass is always greener, I suppose. One thing I really love about living in Ohio is that we get to experience all four seasons in their entirety, sometimes within the span of 4 days. I read it's going to be in the 60's next week so I'm keeping a snow shovel and a pair of shorts in my car at all times. You just never know around here!


P.O.M. said...

I like Four Seasons, but only when it's referring to the hotel chain. ha ha.

Nancy said...

We are definitely getting a dose of the season here. The snow is piling up like crazy. Very beautiful. I was thinking of going out in it, but I fell on the way to the trash can. HA HA. I forgot, there is too much ice underneath for it to be safe. I guess it's the treadmill...

Are you joining us for 8 on the 8th? You can come by my blog and pick up a tshirt to cuddle (okay virtually, but you were talking about cuddling up). :D

Nibbles said...

This post makes me miss living in Ohio, Kate! :-)

Bill Carter said...

That sounds a lot like Michigan as well. I also have to agree with you about that first snowfall or early season snow... I love it. Come Janueary or February not so much.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

I think we have some more weather headed your way....enjoy winter!

kate said...
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GB said...

That is so pretty!