Monday, February 11, 2008

In sickness

I've been on my death bed for the last week with tonsillitis. Although, I'm pretty sure no one in this modern age has died from the virus, I was pretty sure I was going to be the first. Last Monday and Tuesday I had a fever and on Wednesday I gave myself food poisoning. I spent the day huddled over the toilet pretty sure I was going to spit out a tonsil at any second. Thursday I flew to Florida with my mom where I spent most of the vacation we've been planning for 6 months in the hotel bed watching episodes of My Big Redneck Wedding. At least she got some beach time.

And here I find myself a week later, finally able to swallow without kicking something, although there's still all that nasty white gunk covering the back of my throat. I'm super hot. I figure this whole thing is going to take me out of a solid two weeks of training for my half marathon on April 12th.

At least my foot is better.


Nibbles said...


I'm really sorry to hear that. I was getting worried about you, so I'm glad to see you felt well enough to post a brief update. Will you have your tonsils removed?

I hope you got to take in at least a bit of sunshine, and I'm really glad your foot is feeling better. You're in my thoughts.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

that sucks!!

I hope your feeling better soon!

How's the boy-toy??

Midwest said...

Poor Kate!

Nancy said...

Oh Kate, ((HUGS)) I'm so sorry. Get better. You should be through the worst of it. And I so thought it was going to be a I've been away spending all my time the boy post. So Sorry.

Don't worry about the training, you'll bounce back.

GB said...

Oh man that really stinks. Best to lay low and just get over the sickness. You will be fine when you start training again. But it's more important to completely get the bug out of your system. Rest. Feel better soon!