Sunday, April 27, 2008

I have a case of the Lazy's

I've dropped out of The Pig. And I pretty much feel like a big fat loser about it. Unfortunately, I've not been able to hang on to what little mojo I had after The Columbus Distance Classic and have fallen pretty far off the wagon. I attribute it to several things...

  • I'm burned out. I put so much energy and time into training for the marathon last year and I still don't feel like I've been able to recapture that spark.
  • my job is sucking my will to live. Seriously, even with the fantastic weather we've been having here, I go straight home after work and resume my position on the couch.
  • turns out the chest pain and heart palpitations I was having last year were anxiety after all. My doctor has prescribed some anti-anxiety medication which I was pretty hesitant to take, but whatever works, right? Problem is, I've lost a lot of motivation to do pretty much anything. She's still trying to find the right meds for me, so far this is the second one I've tried. Fun.
  • been spending more and more time with the BT.

So there you have it. I'm a big fat failure at running. I've decided to cut myself some slack and focus on overall fitness and health, still trying to run twice a week. Hopefully, I'll resume my love affair with running soon.


P.O.M. said...

I've gone thru periods of anxiety too but have never taken medication. I'm just afraid of it, I guess. Good luck with everything. Bikram... sometimes I think Bikram is the answer to all of my problems. ha ha. Not really, but a girl can dream.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

I took meds once too for a couple months.

It left me TOO laid back. Running helped---well, YOGA helped first, but I still needed something else, that's when I tried running.

In the end, it turned out I had more of a hormone imbalance, corrected by BC pills, than anything else.

I still have anxiety attacks like going into an MRI, or tanning bed.....but I can talk myself through it, mostly

Good luck & I love a BOY TOY!! to spend time with a hubby isn't the same, not in my house.

Nancy said...

Hope you get the meds worked out and resume the love affair soon.

Patty said...

You are what you think you are, so only you can decide whether or not you are a runner or a lazy whatever you said, my mind would not accept that so I didn't really read that part of the post.

I am still recovering from my fall marathon as well, and have not ran near as much as I did last year for training. One thing I have discovered is some of it is mental because it is the getting out there part that is hard, I think I am still thinking of those twenty mile runs. Every single time I do get out and run about a mile or so into it the thought, "Why am I fighting this? I REALLY do love running." I have also started having someone come in in the morning so I can run then instead of after work and that is making the world of difference in my attitude and my training. Maybe you are run down physically and this is adding to your attitude.

Hang in there, you ARE a runner.

Nibbles said...


I believe you can get through this. All of us need a break once in a while. Would you be interested in trying a different sport (maybe swimming or cycling)for a while?

Don't beat yourself up over this, and keep doing your yoga! It sounds amazing.

Bill Carter said...

Hi Kate

Don't be so hard on yourself. It is perfectly reasonable to just go for walks, run a little, bike a little, and still be in great physical shape. Also, it sounds like the BT is taking up some of your time and that can't be a bad thing.

BTW, I took meds for a while and they made a huge difference for me. I was going through some stuff and having some of the heart issues you are having.. even ended up in the hospital at one point. Try the meds... they can't hurt and will probably help.