Saturday, April 19, 2008

When Pigs Fly

I've been trying to gear myself up for The Pig but I've just felt soooooo lllllaaaazzzzzzzyyyyy this week. We've had gorgeous weather here all week and I've managed to run a whopping THREE miles since the half marathon. I have gone to yoga twice but that doesn't really help my mileage totals. Now does it?!?! My good friend S and I are planning a girls weekend in Cincinnati for the race away from her dude and my Boy Toy. However, I have a feeling most of our conversations will be about the boys in our lives.

If you need a laugh check out my race photos from Saturday. My BIB # is 788. They are HILARIOUS. I don't think I could look more pissed off in all of them if I tried. I need to practice smiling while I run. Clearly.


Nibbles said...

Your race photos look fine! I think people who smile like crazy in race pics seem like total doofuses. (Is that a word in the plural?)Besides, what's important is your enormous PR. Don't beat yourself up over this week--everybody needs recovery time after a big race. Especially when they have a 19-minute PR! :-)

Running Ragged said...

You have 1 mile on I ran two since the half. What is your Pig bib no? I'll be spectating the Pig after running a half in Indiana the day before.

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Nancy said...

Oh you look like you are running, silly. But you certainly can practice smiling and running if you want to. :D I always smile if I know the camera is there but mostly because I couldn't stand to have giant hips and a frown.

You probably have needed some rest. Take care of yourself!! :D

Bill Carter said...

Hi Kate

I think those pictures look great. I know for me it is basically impossible to look good in a race pic. because dammit it hurts!

BTW, don't worry too much about the Pig because out of all the marathons I have done it is still one of my favorites. The people are just awesome and it might be a stretch, but it could even be a "fun" marathon.. if that is possible.

I am also loving this weather.

RunnerGirl said...

Hope you decide to run the Pig next weekend . . . I'm sitting it out due to injury but will be there cheering for some friends. It really is a fun race, despite the dreaded hills!