Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today was the first day of fall classes. I ride my bike from home to campus and the ride there ain't bad. It's pretty much all down hill and I'm bright eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to get my learn on. The ride is about 25:00 but I'm not sure how many miles that is. Some day when I remember to charge the Garmin, I'll measure it.

But the ride home sucks. I'm tired and my brain is overflowing with college type stuff. I'm hungry and want to call one of my friends and beg them to come pick me up so I don't have to hull my ass home uphill on the bike. Another 25:00 and I'm home but I've got the bike in 1st gear so I pedal really fast but don't go anywhere. I'm sure I look like a freak on the bike but I'm fine not knowing.

I wasn't going to run on account of all the biking and learning I did today but after I got home and ate dinner I got into a self-loathing what-the-hell-am-I-doing-trying-to-go-to-grad-school funk. Normally I would polish off a carton of cherry cordial ice cream but I'm on this new kick, right? All healthy and stuff.

So I went for a run. 2 miles and I was sucking wind the entire time but I tell you what, it felt pretty good. Mark it down. Another 2 miles for the record books. Yippee! C-bus Marathon 2009, here I come.

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