Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Running. In a skirt?!

To think I almost passed up on the $30 road bike makes my brain hurt a little. It is quite dazzling. It did, however, need new tires which I was happy to get and even got a little carried away adding accessories. I'm a sucker for bikes. This thing is great. 10 speeds, super fast, and it's blue so it matches my other bike. I'll post a picture soon, when it stops pissing rain in Ohio.

And I've actually be running. Hurrah! Maybe not as many miles as I would like or as fast as I would like but I could probably say that for most days that I train. I found some running skirts at Target on clearance so I've been trying to get used to the idea of running in a skirt. I have to admit when I put it on and stepped out my front door I felt as though the world had suddenly gone cattywhampus. Running? In a skirt?!? I felt entirely too dressed up. I'm not quite sure about the whole idea of running in a skirt but I guess female tennis players do it and they're pretty kick ass, right? Hmmm....jury's still out on the skirt issue.


Road Warrior said...

Yeah, um, from a guy's perspective, we'd highly recommend that more women embrace the running skirt. It sure turns heads!

Running Ragged said...

I have been thinking about running in a skirt, but just haven't found the right one that's in my size or price range.

Hurray for getting a run in!

I Run for Fun said...

Running in a skirt sounds cool to me. I will, when I find the right one.