Sunday, February 04, 2007


My training schedule calls for cross training on Fridays. However, I didn't feel like going to the gym on Friday after work to sit on a bike or on eliptical trainer for 30 minutes. Instead, I ran/walked on the treadmill at work. I didn't push it, knowing I had a long run scheduled for the next morning. I wasn't thrilled about running and being all sweaty and gross in front of coworkers but there could be worse things.

Friday: 30 minutes walking and running

Saturday: 4 miles, TM, 10.20/average pace.

I had a really good run on Saturday, despite it happening on a treadmill and despite the fact that I put it off until about 8.00 on a Saturday night. The gym was dead so I had the place pretty much to myself. My legs felt really strong throughout and I felt like I could have gone longer than the 4 miles my schedule called for. I'm extremely grateful that this run went so well because my running this week has felt so forced. I think this is due in part to the fact that my cycle started this week and I have a mild case of the winter blues. Saturday's run going so well gives me a little bit more enthusiasm and confidence for the week ahead.

Total miles for the week: 15
Strength training sessions: 1


Red said...

I'm sure your co-workers are appreciative:)

JOJIT said...

Don't you have the feeling of satisfaction and peace after you've pushed yourself to exercise even if you didn't want to but did it anyway? Great job! keep it up!

JOJIT said...

Don't you have the feeling of satisfaction and peace after you've pushed yourself to exercise even if you didn't want to but did it anyway? Great job! keep it up!