Saturday, March 17, 2007

Race for beer

Quick interruption from my Why I Run posts to bring you this 5K Race Day Report.

Normally, I like to participate in 5K's that are associated with some sort of benefit or charity event. It makes me feel less guilty about being party to street closures and inconveniences for motorists who are just trying to get home or to work or out for a Sunday drive.

Today, however, is St Patrick's Day and although the actual people living in Ireland don't celebrate this holiday with nearly the same stupidity as us Americans who find any excuse to wear stupid t-shirts and drink, I felt I could fore go the charity running for once and run for green beer.

I rolled from my slumber at the dark hour of 5.30am to deck myself out in my silly green green outfit and pick up my friends who were racing with me. Much to my dismay, it was snowing. Not snowing too hard, but it was there and I HATE snow. The wind was brutal and I was thankful I decided to add another layer at the last minute. We arrived at the bar (oh yes, it was sponsored by a bar, did I mention that? Way to mix lifestyles!) at about 6.45, picked up our t-shirts and started to warm up for the 8.00 start time. All around us, the St Patrick's Day festivities were already underway. The local Morning Zoo was there handing out prizes and taking requests. Already the green beer was flowing.

8.00 and we're off. It was an out and back course with maybe only about 250-300 runners. It snowed the entire time and snot froze to the side of my face. I decided not to worry about my time today and just have fun. I've been battling a nasty cough and it probably wasn't wise of me to even be out there today, but how could I not?? The cold air was brutal on my lungs, even with a scarf covering my nose and mouth. I reached the turn around point and slowed way down, almost to a walk. Just take it easy, I said to myself. This is a fun run; you're still sick, don't kill yourself out here today! I crossed the finish line at 31.56, a little over a minute slower than my last race.

I met up with my friends and we headed into the tent for green beers and silly t-shirts. Have I mentioned before how much I love boy runners? Especially the one's that wear Under Armor? I don't' know why that gets me so hot and bothered but the boys out there today were fantastically cute.

Anyway, chalk that one up to a fun run in the snow and cold. And I have another race bib and t-shirt to add to my collection.

1 comment:

GB said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed that 5k. Sounds like a very fun time with many cute men! Hey if you ran it, I say you earned the green beer!