Sunday, July 01, 2007

Back to normal

Computer is fixed and I feel like everything is right with the world again. It's a little disconcerting to realize how much I've come to depend on this thing and a 5 day hiatus from the internet was a little refreshing.

That being said, I swooned when my savvy tech friend handed my computer back over like it was a long lost child. "I've missed you so much, you sweet beautiful piece of technology. Let's never part again." My friend tried to explain to me exactly what went wrong and I just stared blankly back at him.

"So I can check my email and play Free Cell again?" I asked.

Computers and cars both belong in the same "I-don't-know-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-it" category. When all goes wrong and the mechanic (or technician) tries to graciously explain the details to me, my eyes glaze over. I just don't get it.

As far as running is concerned, this week had it's highs and lows like every other week. On my sorta long run Wednesday, the humidity was at 90% and the temperature was sill in the upper 80's even at 8:00pm. I did what I could and nearly collapsed after on 5 miles (was supposed to be 6). However, Saturday's 11 mile run couldn't have gone better. I was properly hydrated and fueled and didn't need to make any unscheduled stops. I was going to try the gels like I mentioned but ended up sticking with the beans. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. With this last full week of running, my total mileage for the month is right at 92, my highest ever!

Now, I've got to get off my butt and do some cross training. Ugg. Swimming or Yoga? Can't decide....


Liz Saunders said...

If only I were as clever as you... then MY blog would be funny! You are awesome, girl. Or rather, you're brilliant, you know - brilliant! You know what else is brilliant? Bloody technology! (I think I just said a bad word...) Right then. =) Glad your computer is back in the world of the living. Hang in there with the humidity and remember, if it feels bad, come down and visit me in Atlanta. You'll feel much better about Ohio. =) love ya.

kate said...

That's ok, I think technically "wanker" is a bad word too but I figure if I don't know the meaning, how bad can it be right?

How 'bout I come visit you in Oxford instead. Not that I don't love Atlanta, but yeah....England and such...=)

That's brilliant, love, just brillaint.

Bridgette said...

I prefer swimming - although yoga is good for runners to help stretch out the muscles... I've never actually done yoga, so i'm a little biased. Plus, you're already 1/3 of the way to a tri, why not add swimming & get 2/3!! :)