Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

Yeah, I did it. I tried my first ever ice bath tonight after I got home from my sorta long-run of 7 miles. My legs felt tight and heavy for most of the run (probably due in part to the wings on my feet yesterday, except mile 3) so halfway through I decided I was going to suck it up and go for the plunge. Ah yes, I'm getting quite good at this whole "pun" thing, wouldn't you agree?

I shuffled into the UDF by my house and grabbed the bottle of apple juice I promised myself at mile 4.5 and two bags of ice. The guy behind the counter was not amused. By anything. I tried to tell him that I was going to take these two bags of ice, throw them in my bath tub with cold water and sit in it for 20 minutes, but he wasn't having it. He sighed and said, "Whatever, lady."

His loss.

Now, I'll admit, I swore a little and screamed A LOT as I eased my legs into this homemade torture chamber. My top half was still sweating from the run while my lower half was an iceberg. It was a trip! You non-runners out there should give it a try sometime, just for kicks! After a few minutes, the torture subsided and it was quite pleasant. Well, probably because I couldn't feel anything below my belly button, but that's besides the point.
And I have to say it wasn't all for naught. Usually after a run like today, I'm hobbling around my apartment like a 90-year-old lady (maybe this says more about my stretching routine, but I digress). However today, I could SKIP if I wanted to. No tightness. No soreness. No tenderness.
I'm floored. This stuff actually works!


Nancy said...

Hi Kate - I think you might have actually convinced me to try this. I swear it sounds like torture but the thought of not feeling, looking and acting like a 90 year old might be enough.

I really like your writing. If you want to feel better, I am still between 12 and 13 pace :) yes, I'm a turtle. I referrenced your unfurtunate elbowing incident (those bags!) in my post but couldn't remember where I saw it. I am going to start linking up some of my favorites. Hope you will visit. I'm new to this and needing some friends/support. Good luck to you!

kate said...

Hi Nancy! (I'm not going to call you non-runner because you ARE a runner!) Thanks for stopping by and I'll add you to my blog roll so I can check up on you!

Keep up the great work and DO try the ice bath. You'll be umcomfortably but happily surprised.

Midwest said...

I too have been thinking it was time to brave this. Thanks for the info!

Brittney said...

You are braver woman! I have only tried the ice and water thing once, and that was sticking my feet into a bucket of it. I held out for, um, two minutes. I think once I start doing really long runs I might reconsider the idea, but until then I'm sticking with my ice packs.

Anonymous said...

Hey kate....

I have never did the ice thing but I have made the water as cold as i could get it and since we have a well it comes up pretty cold.

I agree, it does help tremendously...

The first few minutes are full of non-stop fun...

Bridgette said...

I have to say, definitely need 2 bags of ice when doing an ice bath...1 bag just gets it cold enough to be annoyingly cold & kill your toes; but it doesn't really work to kill the inflammation/pain. 2 bags... now that's the ticket!

Sometimes I'll do an ice bath in the middle of the week after a couple of short runs, and another on the weekend after the long run. It seems to really help...

OK, i'm not doing any of that right now but definitely when I get back to running!

Patty said...

I have found that if I get into the cold water first and then add the ice that it is much more tolerable and I can stand more ice in the long run. When I was using cold packs for treating patients I used to put a warm cloth under the ice bag so they could adjust gradually and this made them more compliant to using the ice in the long run. Starting with cold and adding ice follows that same principle.

GB said...

I love ice baths. I am a firm believer in them. Don't forget, when you get really cold, where a lot of layers on top! And sip coffee or cocoa or something hot while you're sitting in the ice water. It helps!

You're such a runner!!!

Nancy said...

Ok, I tried two ice packs on sore parts and they are not my sore parts today!! I'm going to try the whole bath this weekend after a 7 miler (if I make it!) :) I like the tip about getting in and adding the ice.