Monday, July 23, 2007

We have a new PR

Four miles is sort of an odd distance to have a PR in and it's not official or anything. Like, it wasn't done in an official race or on a measured course but the numbers are in the Garmin and the Garmin is as good as gold in my book. Like, totally dudes.

mile 1: 10:05
mile 2: 09:42
mile 3: 09:45
mile 4: 09:48

grand total: 39:21

Oh yeah. You know it was a good run when you're drenched with sweat and smiling from ear to ear. This felt absolutely great. I'm totally preparing for Tuesday and Wednesday to suck (how's that for positive thinking?) but I need to take it easy the rest of the week. I'm running my second half marathon on Saturday and I'd like to run a 2:15. Shaving almost 15 minutes off my previous 1/2 marathon time sounds a little ambitious but I think I can do it. A 2:15 finish would give me a better chance of finishing the marathon in under 5 hours.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Worry about Saturday for now.


AddictedToEndorphins said...

I found your blog pretty randomly but thought I would say congrats on the new PR! I agree, that my Garmin is as good as gold! Good luck with your upcoming half marathon!

kate said...

The internet is pretty random. Welcome to my corner and stop by again soon!

Patty said...

GO KATE! I am proud! and maybe a bit jealous...but in a good way!


Greg Johnson said...

Way to go Kate. I believe you can reach your goal for the half and for the full.
