Saturday, September 29, 2007

Conversations With Myself During a 20 Mile Run, As Told in 3 Acts

Act 1
I: Good morning!
Myself: Bite me.
I: Nice, I see we have a long day ahead of us. What's up your butt?
Myself: I feel like I'm going to hurl, I forgot to charge my Garmin last night and I hit and killed a raccoon on my way to the stupid park this morning.
I: I'm so sorry you've had a rough start to the morning. Let's get our legs moving and all will be better in no time!
Myself: Whatever.

Act 2

Myself: I feel like I'm going to hurl.
I: Let's try and get your mind off it. Let's sing a song.
Myself: Dork.
I: How about some....Timbaland. You like him, right? "If you see us in the club...we'll be something something...if you see us on the floor we'll be rockin' something something. We ain't here to somthing...giveittomegiveittome"
Myself: Shut up! You don't even know the words!
I: Sing along! It's fun. Who cares if people are staring??
Myself: I seriously have to puke...



Act Three:

I: Well, that was fun
Myself: Go to hell
I: C'mon. We've gotten it out of our system now. Let's make the most of the miles we have left and the beautiful day.
Myself: Whatever.
I: Listen hear you little pissant! I'm tired of listening to your whiny butt complain and complain and 'Oh I want to stop, I can't do this,' blah blah blah. Pick you feet up off the ground and MOVE you MAGGOT. Did you hear me? I said MOVE!
Myself: Uh....
I: This is the last long run we have to do. This is it! The last one. Are you going to sit there in your own puddle of self-pitying nonsense and make this LAST and most important run, the one you've been building up to for ONE YEAR, a total bust? Get off your sorry ass and MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!
Myself: Ok ok! Sheesh. Someone's in a bad mood.

20 miles: 4hrs 14 minutes, including the, uh, intermission.


Nancy said...

Oh Dear. You can get through anything now. Ugly, as far as the getting sick, but what a great training run. I think you are set. Great job getting through it, Kate.

I knew it was going to be good when the first reply was Bite me!

Running Ragged said...

Wow! Good for you to stick it out, show yourself who is da boss!

Taper here we come! :)

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

You made me laugh so hard at this. I have the same strange conversations with myself. How can one body/mind be so divided when you need them to work together? Great job finishing 20 miles!


GB said...

Yay Kate! It's done. You can taper now. :) Did you really puke? You go, girl!

Andria said...

Haha! I like how "I" turned into a drill sargeant! Glad you stuck with it, even with the, uh, intermission. Good job!

Jes said...

Wow, I don't know how you kept going. That is amazing!

kate said...
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Patty said...

Congratulations on showing yourself who's boss! I agree with Nancy...There is nothing you can't get through, you are strong both physically and mentally, and that is all you need to perservere!

Nazila Merati said...

This is the best thing I have read all day.

Thank you.


Midwest said...

Not a bad time, especially considering you threw up!