Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February is the cruelest month

I've been a bad blogger. It's been a week since my last post. My apologies. But in my defense I've been busy with the Boy Toy and I had a house guest over the weekend and a mental breakdown on all that doesn't leave much time for blogging, let alone running. On Saturday morning I ran 9 miles on the TM at a 10:53 pace which was incredibly dull but the roads were waaaaay to icy to risk breaking my neck. I skipped an easy 4 miler on Monday on account of the mental breakdown (and, as an aside, if you should ever happen to break down sobbing in your boss's office at noon on a grey and depressing Monday morning in the middle of February and she asks "Do you have the flu?" just say yes already and take a few days off.)

Today I did 7 miles, again on the treadmill of doom. But this was a tempo run so I did a warm up mile then 5 miles at a 9:22 pace and a cool down mile. This was pretty good actually. Surprisingly. Seeing as how it was on the treadmill and how I just didn't want to do it and I want it to be Spring and what did I ever do to Ohio to piss it off and crap all over the place? Huh? Anybody else sick of winter?? I think I have cabin fever. Or the winter blues. Or SAD, which by the way, is just a really twisted acronym for the syndrome. I sort of want to strangle the clever genius that came up with that one. Jerks.

Clearly, I'm having a tough time getting my s*** together this week.


Nancy said...

ahhh, hang in there. it has to end soon.

Nibbles said...

Winter totally sucks when it gets in the way of running. But if you have the guts to do nine miles on the treadmill, hats off to you! I did seven once, then nearly died of boredom until my resurrection by the first aid-certified gym staff. You are one tough cookie, and you're going to wipe the floor with the Cap City Half!

Nibbles said...
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Midwest said...

Completely sick of this winter.