Sunday, February 03, 2008

Stupid Kate

I had to cut my scheduled 9 mile long run down to 6 due to my stupid bum foot. It's been fine and feeling great for the last two weeks or so but Saturday morning I decided to be an idiot and run on a solid sheet of black ice and slipped and rolled my ankle. Stupidkatestupidkatestupidkate. The pain is in the exact same spot as before so instead of being even stupider and stubborn and finishing the remaining three miles, I cut my losses and went home to RICE. Luckily, I think I avoided doing too much damage and its still early in my training schedule so I don't think it will put me off too much. Stupid kate!

In other, non-running related news, I'm still swooning over my boy-toy (I called him this to my mother and she about had a fit, I think it's hilarious). Friday night he took me out for Thai food, then for coffee, then we wandered around this little booksotre called The Book Loft. The store has tons of tiny little rooms that twist and wind around endlessly, packed to the ceiling with every book imaginable. I love the charachter and the originality of places like this. Really makes places like B&N feel pretty soulless. We meanderend through the little cubbys, dancing around each other and pointing out book after book after book that we loved for what ever reason. I could have stayed there forever. Eventually. though, they had to close and kicked us out onto the street.

We continued the date at my house where he sat transfixed at my massive book collection (it is a little obscene) and said I could give The Book Loft a run for their money. He showed me his one and only tattoo, his first marathon time on his arm. I swooned. We talked for a little while longer then I kicked him out so I could get to bed. He gave me a kiss and drove off into the night. *sigh* Probably, the best date I've ever had...


Nibbles said...

Oh, my goodness, I am so happy for you about the boy-toy! I'm sure your foot will be fine--you did the right thing by RICE-ing. And the Book Loft just makes me drool. I work in publishing, so my whole life is about books! Anyway, it sounds like you guys have a lot in common, which is fab! That is so great.

Keep icing that foot, and keep us up to date!

Nancy said...

Oh it DOES sound like you have a lot in common. His tattoo is his marathon time? How cool is that??

Sorry about the foot, I hope you nipped it in the bud.

Take care and enjoy the B-T !!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

lol. . . .BOy-Toy, that's what we always call my BF's boyfriend. . .they've now been together 5 yrs.....their first date was my wedding & she was my MOH, so he had to sit with complete strangers & was totally cool all night & he's just awesome!!

But yesterday he informed me that maybe I could start calling him by his name. lol I do but always the first part of the conversation includes, the phrase "boy-toy". . . .

Sorry about your ankle. . .to make you feel better, it took me like 45 minutes to do a 5K yesterday, I couldn't get y breath it was so cold. So I'll be running only once or twice a week on the treadmill---like ICEY days.

I've avoided it so I didn't bust my ass, because I'm a MAJOR cluts.

45 minutes, WTF???? & my NIK E& the guy next to me had the course at 3.69 (me) & 3.64 (him). Definately not 3.1!!!

But it was still slow & sucked.

Midwest said...

That sounds like such a great date!