Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The big dig

I've managed to dig myself out of the 20 inches of snow that was dumped on C-bus over the weekend and resume life as usual. There's still these disgusting piles of snow everywhere that are so dirty that they're black, but otherwise, the big meltdown is underway. I even saw patches of grass today in spots.

Needless to say, my planned long run of 10 miles at a 10:53 pace on Saturday turned in to 10 miles at about an 11:30 pace on Sunday. I was just happy to be out of the house finally and glad to get the 10 miles in at all. The roads were a mess but not too many cars out so I pretty much just ran down the middle of the main road up and down about a zillion times until my Garmin said 10 miles. I got plenty of strange looks but whateves, I got it done.

I'm running with the Boy Toy tomorrow. This is surprising because I'd sort of written him off after he mysteriously disappeared for about two weeks. Seriously. Not a word since the end of February. Well, I was understandably pissed and not about to waste my precious time playing that game. He resurfaced today out of the blue and we had words. He fell all over himself apologizing and gave a pretty good reason for falling off the face of the earth, but I'm not about to let him off that easily for NOT CALLING. That's just unacceptable. Right?


Road Warrior said...

I'd say if you like him, and it seems you do, give him this screw-up as one-time early relationship mistake. We're not that bright as a gender, so we don't always pick up on stuff that makes sense to everyone else.

Nibbles said...

Not calling is not cool. But men are just plain stupid sometimes. If you really like him, I'd say cut him some slack for apologizing and be happy he's sorry and that you seem to really like each other. But if he does this again, he gets five demerits :-)

Nancy said...

Was it a really good excuse? Like he was embarrassed to tell you about it?? hmmmm. I say let it ride. :D

Midwest said...

I'll back Nibbles up that men can be awfully dumb sometimes. I say keep him on a short leash for a while, but give him another chance.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

it is unacceptable, but boys are dumb.

(sorry other boys)

Bill Carter said...

Not acceptable at all. But congrats on getting through your 10 miler... it probably felt a lot longer in those conditions.

Running Ragged said...

Hmmm....I'd say unacceptable behavior, perhaps acceptable for a teenager, but I don't walk in his nor your shoes and there might be reasonable excuse.

I am hoping for the best for you though. :)

Gratz on your ten miler. I haven't had a chance to follow your blog much...are you running the 1/2 on April 12 in Columbus?

Andria said...

Totally unacceptable, but you know what your limits are. Depends on the reason, but seriously, a call is not a hard thing to do.

Great job getting in the 10 miles. I just got a Garmin and over the weekend I ran back and forth a few times to get to the goal distance. I got wierd looks too, but who cares?

RunnerGirl said...

It all depends on the reason I guess, and if you think its worth the effort of forgiving him.