Saturday, March 22, 2008


The problem with not posting for nearly 2 weeks is that a lot happens that I couldn't possibly sum for you eloquently. Hence another dreaded bullet point list of the most recent events here in my corner of the globe:

  • I ran TWO races the weekend of St Patrick's Day.
  • Saturday was a 4 miler, time 37:00 on the nose. Quite happy with this one seeing as how I'd indulged in some green beer the night before.
  • Sunday was a 5k on a hilly terrible course, time for that one: 28:33. Meh. I'll take it, but only because they gave out some great SWAG. Probably the best I've ever gotten for any race, let alone a 5k. We got a technical t-shirt, 2 sports bottles, a sample of Hammer Gel, electrolyte tabs, and an energy bar, two free movie passes, 35 music downloads, and a St Patrick's Day Luck O' The Irish 5k drinking glass when we crossed the finish line. All in all, not too shabby.
  • Things are going along swimmingly with the Boy Toy. No major blips since he reemerged and in fact, I dare say it's going better than ever. (Knock on wood.) He calls when he says he's going to and introduced me to his friends. Yesterday, I went home to meet his family. Mom, dad, brothers, sisters and spouses....everybody. I was nervous as all get out but I think things went ok. His entire family runs so we at least had some easy topics of conversation to cover. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to have him meet my family but that's another topic for another day.

I will post more often. I will post more often. I will post more often.


Greg Johnson said...

Congrats! on the races and on meeting the family Kate.


Nibbles said...

Wow! Your times are awesome and it sounds like things are great with the BF. (Can I call him that?) Congratulations!

Is your job going a little better?

Nancy said...


Glad to hear it's smoothe sailing since the reemergence. :D

RunnerGirl said...

Your times look great!

Midwest said...

Glad to hear all is well, Kate. And man, I am jealous of that swag!

Bill Carter said...

I don't know how some people find the time to post on a daily basis.. and still manage to write really cool, interesting stuff. I guess I just don't have as much to say. Anyway, I am glad to hear that things are going well with the running and the BF. Best of luck as me into spring??? Hypothetically...

P.O.M. said...

Ok, I need to totally catch up on your blog. Things giong well with boy.... niccccccce!