Friday, March 07, 2008

Everyone else is doing it

I've seen this on about 87 other blogs this week and since I am completely unoriginal and like to steal things... here's mine:

I'm taking a mental health long weekend at the moment. No working until next Tuesday, which means no communication of any kind with any co-workers, bosses, employees, cubical monkeys and NO CHECKING WORK EMAIL FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. The next four days are mine to try and figure out what I'm going to do with myself and how I'm going to get out of there. Causing a scene a la Jerry McGuire appeals to me, however I'm trying to do the responsible adult thing and have a back up plan. So far, the following ideas have crossed my mind:

  • regrow my beard and join the circus with some of my midget babies
  • sell everything I own and go live under the bridge at 3rd and Olentangy
  • become a lady of the night and sell my body for crack
  • take this whole "running" thing pro

Speaking of running, despite how crap everything else is in my life at the moment, I've been running pretty well this week. I ran 3 miles on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday I did 4 x 1600m at a 8:34 pace which almost killed me. I ended up with a honking blister on the ball of each foot which kept me from running yesterday. The cause of the blisters was my own stupidity. Cheep socks. Tomorrow, weather pending, I will do 10 miles at a 10:39 pace. April 12th is going to be a PR in a big way. I can feel it. I'm going for 2:15, you heard it here first.


Nancy said...

Have a great mental health break, Kate. Hope the running goes well this weekend too.

Take care!

RunnerGirl said...

Hope you're able to get out and run this weekend - the weather is not looking promsing!

Midwest said...

Holy crap, Kate. Great running workout!

Greg Johnson said...


I hope the time off went good for you.

Keep pressing toward the finish line!


P.O.M. said...

Selling your body for crack can be fun. Sex and drugs? Sounds like a party to me.

ok, maybe not. Thank God for running, huh?